مشتركة تعلم تامر رقص الدبكة عـلى المسرح

2016-01-03 2

Here's something to consider: Most people who view violent material do not commit violence themselves.

Even the scary shit on 4chan of decapitations and other gruesome and graphic death. Yeah, we can probably say that most 'reasonable' or even 'healthy' minded people are not interested in watching that. But do we make the leap to say "Anyone who watches/downloads that stuff is wanting to commit the same sort of violence"?

Harming a child has no excuse or defense. But I struggle to wrap my mind around the double standard we have for violence and sex when it comes to people who view the material. The guy had hundreds of thousands of pictures and videos, but did he ever lay hands on a child? Probably not.

We don't ban people who watch executions from having spouses and families and friends. If, after psychological evaluation, there's determined to be no liklihood of the person who's been watching child porn to actually offend, then stick him in rehab and help them return to normalcy.
[] Yes, my dad was okay. I can't remember where they sent his boat, but it was far out of the path of Hugo.
[] Throwing away hundreds of lives to just "fuck it" attitude is not a way to make sure it never happens again. I'm sure they can extrapolate a lot of information from just bits and pieces found.

I appreciate the effort.
[] Seeing as you threw it into grass and you couldn't see it after that, I wanna guess you had the green one, Lewa.
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What is this? • First time here? • Special Announcements
[] Tried to headbutt a statue.
[] From another thread
[] Natural birth. A the end of the day more babies die during an elective Caesarean (1.77 per 1,000) than as with a natural birth (0.62 per 1,000) by almost a factor of 3.

The time when a Caesarean is "safer" is when it is not-elective. That is, when it is done because a natural birth would be too risky for the baby or the mother.
[] Touché, he has a good point.
[] Rice
[] Again, vive also uses IR.
[] Show then past hurricane damage and then tell them this may be worse. Scare the fuck out of them.
[] And the great thing is every time you buy one, we'll plant a tree to help the environment/our future profits!
[] It was 8 snakes.
[] I went to my friends house once when I was little and his dad asked me to pass him the "channel change" that's what their family called a remote, a freaking "channel change" I was laughing so hard I think he got mad and kicked me out.
[] I'm a cashier. I had this guy once ask me where the exit was....while 20 feet away from it
[] Local Vegas resident here, can confirm I live in a house. Nowhere near the strip.
[] Hey man...

You're already successful :)
[] The Host is a great one. It's Korean, so if you hate subtitles I'm sorry, but damn is it good.
[] ive never even been in a starbucks
[] It's interesting that nobody is mentioning what would be the main point of contention if she had shot him. He was unarmed.
[] "Now, I don't wanna sound like a queer or nuthin', but I think you got a sweet ass"
[] Procrastination.
[] Off-Topic Discussion: Reply here for non-story comments.

What is this? • First time here? • Special Announcements
[] Is there a level of meta for bringing back something that was meta months ago?

If so, this is it.
