لن تصدق كلبة تدفن صغيرها بعد موته سبحان الله العظيم

2016-01-03 16

I am a youtuber! AMA
[] With you, buddy. I love the album. I love the Broadway show. That album is timeless and it makes me upset that this film has taken so long but the music is so good it could be made in 5 more years or in 50 years and still have a chance to be fantastic.
[] It seems a game of duck duck goose may be in order
[] I had grown ass adults asking me what's 50% off of something was. Is it really that hard to divide by two?
[] "How many 100mmx100mm squares could we get out of a 150sq sheet?"

Well. Let me grab my calculator
[] Well NATO was a response to the Warsaw Pact.
[] selfie
[] Oh come off it. Was watching Wolf blitzer salivating on air at the idea of Florida coast being wiped off the map. And people correlating Haiti to what will happen to America. Yes it's dangerous still and has potential to cause damage and possibly death. But we don't live in shacks and are better prepared for a Hurricane than Haiti.
[] Well, if you're on your way to or from work, it's no big deal. Or if you're on deployment in another region, and didn't get much of a chance to bring civvies with you?
[] Jeff foxworthy's entire schtick was the 'You might be a redneck' jokes. Admittedly, they were quite hilarious, but i gant think of much else by him.

Ron was hilarious all around.
[] Your are one to talk, Khaleesi.
[] Hey, in my area it's Starbucks or... Dunkin Donuts shudder
[] Win c'est.
[] Read between the lines as in figure out for yourself whether the game is right for you. If you were actually paying any attention in the 3 years nms was announced to the public you would have realized that nothing they were promising was ever shown off in a single bit of gameplay and you wouldn't have bought the game at all, let alone preordered it and been hyped as fuck.
If your tongue was hit with a hammer you'd have a 'Thor tongue'.

This is my favorite comment from when this was posted a year ago.
[] Why? He could have easily got it from some stranger which is worst.
[] I see al lot of comments about how great the peace deal was. Did any of you actually read it? It basically said there would be no consequences for all the terrible things they have done. Not one trial. Not one FARC leader would end up in jail. AND the government had to give them a whole lot of money. The only reason people voted for it is because they are sick and tired of their relatives being kidnapped and killed, but it is by no means a fair deal. Negotiating like this with terrorists could have large implications for the future of Colombia.
[] That's the point
[] Very short discussion posts are usually a sign of poor quality. Please try again with more in-depth text in your self post.

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[] Don't forget who won last time
[] Blaze it!
[] Oh, yeah, by that one guy. The guy with the hair and the face.
[] Do you never have plain white rice?
[] I hear that it doesn't. BOOM argument defeated.
[] "oh holy night, the sperm are quietly fiiiiightiiing on the night of our dear saviors birrrrth"


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