Youssou Ndour Annonce Un Nouvel Album En

2016-01-03 2

Off-Topic Discussion: Reply here for non-story comments.

What is this? • First time here? • Special Announcements
[] Then we need a sexy NSFW version.
[] Gymkata?
[] Back in Sophomore year, a girl came up to me and said "This hallway isn't big enough for 2 sexy people"

Possibly the first time I've been hit on.
[] Here I am sweating and continuously pooping, while not being able to concentrate because i wanted to stay awake to study in the night. It is a weird first experience and wondering if everyone felt the same way i do?
[] Apologies I put a source in another comment. If you use wolfram alpha and search for the gdp values you will see the figures I got.
[] A customer asked me about a wireless printer:

"Does that mean it doesn't need to be plugged in?"

"You still need to plug it into a power outlet."

"But it says wireless."

Cue internal rage.
Make sure it has a title
Check its KBB value to make sure you aren't getting screwed
Make sure it doesn't have a secret oil leak

All of that is assuming it's used.
[] Yes. This is why I nominated her. She has popularity, but I've yet to meet anyone who takes philosophy seriously who would recommend her writing or her ideas.
[] Nicki Minaj's music
[] You're not the only one... But, if there's one little thing that makes me feel cosmetically good, it's the feeling of brushed and flossed teeth against the tongue. No mirrors required.

Take care.
[] He was hired a week before I was and then he hired me. We worked together for several years after that, great guy, and we've both moved on to better jobs.
[] After reading lots of comments here, I wonder what the hell is going with their customer's mind to ask those dumb questions that you can't logically apprehend why the hell did they ask that.

Or maybe they were aliens trying to mimic humans but failed miserably? /r/conspiracy Dun. Dun. Dun.
[] Haha. Exactly. That is what a toilet is for.
[] I once had a drive thru worker ask me if I wanted my food for here or to go.
[] To be a little clearer on how this actually works:

Both the state where you live and the state where you work will tax your income, but the state where you live will deduct income taxes paid to the state where you worked from what you owe the state where you live. So if you work somewhere with a lower tax rate than where you live, you'll end up paying some both places, but if the work state is higher you won't owe anything to the home state.

I live in a city that straddles two states, and that's how it works here. I'm pretty sure that's true for most, if not all states.
[] It's funny because the military uses futile, degrading punishment to crush individuality.
[] I was never interested in the starcar segment either, but to call the likes of Sir Micheal Gambon, Patrick Stewart, Stephen Fry, Sir Terry Wogan, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Ewan McGregor, Dame Helen Mirren, Sir Tom Jones, Usain Bolt, Jay Leno, Tom Cruise, Cameron Diaz, Jeff Goldblum, Danny Boyle, Michael Fassbender, every dragon from the UK den, Eric Clapton, Lewis Hamilton, Benedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hiddleston, Margot Robbie, Will Smith and Damian Lewis, to name a few, B list, is a bit naive.
[] This should have had 10,000 upvotes
[] You realize this same argument can be applied to trans people.

At any rate, I agree with live and let live, but the fact is if you never want to hear about it, you have no choice. At least being in a big American city and reading/hearing any kind of news.

I also agree somewhat with /u/thekyledavid that more than likely it's a stereotype issue for some (you'll never convince me that 100% of gay people were born that way) along with mental problems and the way these people are choosing to deal with some trauma (since we all have some sort of trauma, real or perceived.)
[] I can't wait!
[] ITT: butthurt blue jays fans. I thought this was actually creative and funny
[] It's good sauce though, even if it's a gimmick. I always ask for it.
[] Don't forget to not include Pluto because it is not part of the solar system now. Just a reminder : )
[] "This doesn't have a tag on it, does that mean its free?"

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