What Hassan Nisar Says About Pti

2016-10-07 6

I've been in a hotel room which a separate room for the toilet and shower. I could see someone assuming the toilet door was only a closet after finding the shower room had none. Or vice versa.
[] I totally missed pointing out that indeed there are situations in which upsetting content should be noted and aforementioned prior to presenting content to the end user,

My angst was definitely aimed at a certain crowd though. Thanks for understanding!
[] why?
[] Beautiful
[] Where's the bridge to reach Vancouver (from Victoria)?

Um do you realize the distance between the cities?
[] But in times of economic difficulties (particularly with Australia's rising dollar) when industry is leaving, it's beneficial for governments to subsidise industry in order to maintain stability
[] No, the sphericity would decrease the angle of the bullet making it more like to deflect away from the heart. If anything, Dane DeHaan's character should also wear boob armor.

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[] So you're saying you refuse to listen to his arguments unless he posts a bullshit YouTube video of his own?

Are you serious? So in order to criticize shitty, bullshit videos, I have to be an expert in making shitty bullshit videos myself?

Do you have any idea how fucking stupid that makes you look?
[] You can say this for any backwards law, I don't think you understand equality and rights very well. It's a horrific way to die.
[] Lol you have very much lost this. Just delete your comments and move on, dude.
[] So this heat treatment, (a one time treatment), will keep the bed bugs away for good, right?
[] Customer interested in going on a 'night walk' to view nocturnal wildlife. I explained that we have a 7:30 night walk and a 9:30 night walk. Customer then asks "What time is the 7:30 night walk? Ummmm... 7:30. Seriously didn't make this up.
[] Only need an hour of sleep
[] My heart
[] Everywhere but the US...
[] What about when you get past the minute mark? Could I do ?t=86s or do I have to do it another way?
[] a "lisp" of homosexuals.
[] Welcome to Hawaii Costco!
Where our items are always moved inconveniently on the daily, just so you stay in our store longer, hopefully to buy more, but you actually only get frustrated and scratch your head wandering in circles, and then come to the rotisserie section with one worker busting ass with 4 ovens running fully loaded, to ask where the fuck something is, rotiss guy don't know where that 1 specific thing is, so guy asks the manager, manager thinks it is in aisle 319, so rotiss boy checks there, but it ain't there, now he is frustrated falling behind on his job to help this bitch, so rotiss guy and annoying bitch walk up to the front to check in the systems and there are 2 left located in aisle 319, FUCK, you go back to look for it, and can't find it, then bitch lady bitches at you complaining that you and the warehouse suck ass, then bitch lady goes to find a mop sweeper to ask them where that same item is... repeat

[] You call that a roast?

I fucked your mother.
[] With that logic no one should have a android phone.
[] I like owning my CDs.
[] Hey man, let us know what city? If you are in the London we can hang after work and I'll introduce you to my friends as we are going to drinks after
[] i think he might be talking about the people who only bring up female on male rape to try to shut down people trying to stop male on female rape. like the ones who don't actually care about doing anything about it, they just want women to shut up. but i'm not entirely sure what his point is.
[] What can't you wear to Disneyland?


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