Wayne Rooney Goal Manchester United Swansea

2016-10-07 1

sadly its not i dont think... the whole brexit campaign suggested we would get a better trade deal then anyone else in the EU, and not have to take migrants or pay the yearly membership fee..
[] Oh cool just straight over the dried paint?
[] I happen to live very near Otisville. I've always wondered, so I figured I'd ask now: what's FCI Otisville like?
[] Top gear IS? Top gear islamic state?
[] Hi there! Your post was removed because it uses the text box. Per rule 1, use of the text box is prohibited. You can resubmit your post here without the textbox.

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[] Make this subreddit and ban this question from popping up every 30 minutes
[] I gave up on contesting BLM supporter logic because they don't like facts and always try to race-bait when losing in a debate.
[] Because they're electric.
[] We break stuff like there's no tomorrow.
[] It's worth viewing the whole Carrot Top segment
[] damn...i'm doing this
[] upvote
[] Someone somewhere has had sexual relations with that make of torch, I'm sure of it.
[] He's very good.
[] Better than your dick, i can tell you that for free
[] Money doesn't buy happiness, it buys peace of mind. Happiness you find for yourself.
[] Wow, they're pretty. Then back to my life
[] There is no way that Matthew is worse than Andrew or Katrina.
[] Thank you for posting to /r/DIY!

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You have a few options:

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[] She never talked to anyone he worked with and this was overseas. She came in to a meeting with his attorney once, but sat in the lobby. She was willfully ignorant.
[] I worked at a toursit office in Iceland and a woman called to ask if it was ok to wear flip flops to hike in the highlands. Needless to say, it's not.
[] hahahahaha good
[] Weird. The payroll system banks use in the UK doesn't show it in customer's accounts until after processing, so if a company says "put this money into their account on the 28th", it'll be there at 23:15 or so on the 27th without fail (assuming the company instructed the bank within the deadline)
[] Yeah, I already thought of that. I will probably watch Blue Mountain State or sth. "American Pie"-ish in between.
[] Call me crazy, but if you're milk has turned black, it's time to tip it out...
