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2016-10-07 10

She has a lot of experience, but, especially in more recent years, she hasn't done a good job.
[] Thanks.

I wondered because i dug up some papers from my childhood, some phsychology results. I had a troubled childhood but apparently my acoustic short-term memory was above average so i wondered what exactly that means for me.
[] Chill on my sofa with a warm blanket and my laptop, building a cozy winter-themed home on terraria. Fuck yeah.
[] Maniac Mansion. For some reason it terrified me as a child. When you're being chased I just panicked and got really scared.
[] Some of Val Kilmer's best comedic work.
An "'OL' part identifier" was legible on the plane piece, the ATSB said, which allowed investigators to definitively identify the wreckage.

So they were given the wreckage in May, but it takes 4 months to confirm? I find that curious.
[] I work in a deli:

Customer: "Is ham vegan?"

I stared at her for a solid 5 seconds.
[] I was 12, and my parents were working. I was left in the trust and care of an uncle, who took me to no less than four bars around town with his girlfriend. Was super awful having adult men leer at me (I'm female).

He drove a delivery truck for a beer company, and was making the deliveries. But he always seemed to stay longer than necessary, and talk with the patrons he knew.

My parents were livid when they found out.
[] I'm listening....
[] "We hate PC, because it violates freedom of speech" How do you defend trumps blacklisting of news outlets and wanting libel laws strengthened to sue journalist for writing accurate stories. This is a man that went to court with Bill Maher after he called his dad an Orangutan. This is a man that took THE FUCKING ONION, a satirical news outlet, to court. THE ONION! He's more PC and SJW than anyone
[] Well, are we talking legal in strict terms of "you can't do that" or do you only count it as illegal if you get caught?
[] Haha really? The seaside pub had £2.29 pints.

That's enough.
[] Not always. Mountain bikes and wheelbarrows, for example.
[] Thank you for using DEFCON numbering correctly.
[] Woke up rolled my bed and took it to terrace threw it off the building came back and slept on the doormat. And when I woke up next day I had no idea of what I did
[] Speaking of giraffes...

Have you seen the "giraffe fight" video on YouTube? That shit is bananas!
[] Also from where as in which country would be a pretty normal one. Not that stupid
[] I think it's funny in context (broken foot). Doesn't seem like typical domestic violence injury.
[] This. Being regularly hit at high speeds by a train is not an optimal growth environment
[] When Russia finds evidence that will get Hillary arrested.
[] I feel like if you got Mr. Rogers all sorts of wasted on cheap beer he would turn into Norm Macdonald.
[] Good time to be a civil engineer.
[] No, it's a trick. It makes ignorant people believe that their bias is correct.
[] I never play basketball with NBA players, and I never drink with the Irish.
[] The funniest part of this joke is imagining a man bent over, with a talking worm's head sticking out of his anus, as the doctor swings the bat at just the right angle to hit the worm and not clout the dude in the rectum.

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