Une Fusillade Éclate Pendant Un Concert De Chris Brown En Californie

2016-10-07 6

No more Reddit
[] And they made you employee of the month?
[] ask why something is sold out followed by getting angry.
[] A good chunk of the world is rightfully British clay.
[] Gaming... or Daydreaming...
[] We all know there is that one person too, no matter what the topics about some one out there is ready to fact check
[] We shall use my largest scales!
[] I would like to fuck her. But then my wife would kill me. Best not.
[] Yeah, unemployed
[] "Do you guys make good cocktails?"

Nah, we make shit ones.
[] https://youtu.be/fvtQYsckLxk?t=1m2s
[] U.S aid to Israel has nothing to do with Palestinians (there is no Palestine, fyi).

it started in the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. While Egypt gets aid as well.
Palestinians get half the amount Israel gets, without giving anything back.
Israel must use the aid to buy military arms from the U.S.
Israel must share intelligence and technology with the U.S.

Those are the reasons, limitations and conditions of the U.S aid.

Has nothing to do with the occupation.
[] Hehe, what do you think would be a fitting end?
[] Watching porn, reading books, seeing hot mannequins.. I dont know humans are unpredictable
[] I've had a scan through your post history, I'm done with you now
[] Lmao this is the second time I've seen your username this week.
[] I work at radio shack, i once had a customer walk in and the first thing out of his mouth was. "Do you guys sell cigarettes?" I said to his "sir this is radio shack", "what?" He replied, "sir this is radio shack" i replied. He then proceeds to look at me confused like we should sell cigarettes at radio shack, i told him to go to the gas station that was accross the parking lot from us. And he walked out.

All i could do was facepalm
[] Wtf is an ice storm?

Love from Australia.
[] We drink a lot, fuck and are the city of students.
[] I had a bad acid trip. I got stuck in a loop and thought that i was going to be stuck doing the same 15 second loop for eternity, which triggered an anxiety attack and made it spiral even worse.
Luckily my brother helped me down and I regained composure after 15 hours. Dont take serious drugs lightly, and if you're going to attempt it be with people you trust.
[] "cave men" are white for the same reason Santa is white- because we want people to like them duhhh!
More importantly, why do they have to be "men" why can't they also be kittens?
[] It goes into Amazon payments and then you can transfer it to your bank account.
[] Again, those aren't things ISIS does.

This most likely idiot wannabe Jihadist. Not a criminal mastermind working with an international terrorist group.
[] The Ringworld is unstable! The Ringworld is unstable!
[] Agree I read they were completly drunk. It's miracle that they even find mosque.


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