Turkish Pilot Raises Slogan Of Jivay Jivay Pakistan

2016-10-07 9

I worked at a build your own burger joint in college and this lady asked me what romaine lettuce was. She was of African descent, statistically the worst people to wait on, especially the women.
[] The stupid ones probably didn't
[] Cow doo doo
[] $70k a year doesn't even scratch into "happiness" level in many parts of the US.
[] This is the thing with people like you: when they don't get the expected praise and ass-kissing for their worthless little social science homeworks, they accuse you of ruining christmas.

People like you are the death of all that was once holy among actual progressives. Critical thought, creativity, involvement with a reality beyond your tired, neurotic, decadent ideological bubbles.

None of you fucktards has read a single line of Marx, none of you idiots could tell me what Adorno would have to say about the shit that you produce and none of you would be able to see why and where post-modern cultural science became the obscurantist, anti-rational, anti-humanist pile of shit it is today.

You say what you say and you think what you think because you're very well conditioned. Because you know that if you take just a little step outside of the wishy-washy-liberal, self-congratulatory, virtue-signalling path of the righteous, you'll not be part of the feelgood elite any more. You'll not be happy and fulfilled. It'll hurt.

And that's an unbearable condition for you, because you have learned very early that there's nothing that matters more than your own happiness.

It's you who is horrible. You're horrible, immature little monsters, and you have way too much leverage in art, academia and even politics today.

So, being the horrible grinch that I am, these are my final words to you:

Fuck you. From the bottom of my heart.

Fuck. You. You'll be the first ones to hang from the lamp posts.
[] Mr
[] Actually a lot of teachers are teaching extra ...
[] Pussy
[] "Do you sell hole-punched paper that's not punched?"
[] Most people already have a smartphone with gps. So in that sense it is free.
[] Running out of freshwater sources in the world
[] Neither here nor there but Fred was a good looking older man.
[] Or he's from the UK and just translated the cost, some frappucinos are like 4 quid. Oh, and you don't get the free refills, only with the Filter Coffee, 'while stock lasts, at participating stores, may be withdrawn'.
[] Socialist poster International Brigades
[] Body has ways of shutting things down!

[] In the past I used FlipBoard
[] A woman once came up to me with a 15 gram bag of lettuce and asked me if it wasn't 1.5kg.
[] He's the closest proof to reincarnation.
[] Aside from the stamp.
[] O Canada!
Our home and native land!
True patriot love in all thy sons command.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
The True North strong and free!
From far and wide,
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
God keep our land glorious and free!
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
[] This could have been a good commercial if they hired actors.
[] Dude, you can't say that anymore... It's 2016...
[] If that is the office, then where is David Brent?
[] Beanies


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