Parking Nëntokësor Makinash Në Kinë

2016-01-03 8

My secondary dream is to open a bar/music venue
[]Pied Piper
Trying to look cool

[]really? I usually need to wait a few minutes in between
[]Online through a chatroom. A friend from my hometown drug me in there. I stayed around for a couple months, ended up exchanging phone numbers with her. Chatted on and off for a few months then didn't stop talking. Even though it was long distance, I asked her out over six years ago. Planning on marriage once I have money.
[]go back and stop this all from happing..
[]Money does not buy happiness but it does provide security which can lend a lot to your ability to recieve happiness on a day to day basis.
[]My pet peeve is when an application asks for your resume and then they have you fill out another agonizingly long section of everything that can be found ON YOUR RESUME. Fuck, sometimes I just don't move forward this that shit.

I'm not going to re type in my where I used to work, start and end date, duties and responsibilities plus skills. REFER TO MY DAMN RESUME.

rant over
[]Damn. I didn't know.
[]Can relate. Even more so now that I got fired from my job
[]I don't take any data out of my findings. The reason why blinded studies are higher on the hierarchy of evidence is that it stops the scientist cherry-picking results that favour their hypothesis.
[]I'm laughing reading people quoting the movie. That's probably s pretty good sign that is a fucking funny movie.
[]aw dude you should write a book!
[]"OMG, this person in an emotionally horrifying situation didn't act rationally! What a dumb cunt."
[]That's fedors lil bro! He raped some chick!
[]This is such a memorable episode for me. He just sells it the entire time. Very underrated show and I think this is one of the better episodes.
[]Still goes for 25 euros per 125 grams, it's insane
[]I love that quote. Benjamin Disraeli if I recall correctly.

To wit: He who pays the piper calls the tune.
[]Came here to say this. Triggered me hard reading that
[]But how are they developmentally capable of understanding one over the other, except by being taught that?

If you are 14 and take naked pictures/video of yourself to send to your boyfriend or girlfriend and people find out, you can be tried as an adult for distributing child porn. You aren't sending it to everybody. It's between you and one other person, and it doesn't hurt either individual, and yet now you are facing a prison sentence for a stupid decision.

Maybe someone was raised in a neighborhood where gun violence is a regular thing, and you were taught that you need to shoot others before you are shot. You hear rumors that someone is coming to get you, so you get them first. Now you are facing a prison sentence for murder. You weren't taught anything about "murder", just that you need to not be the one who gets shot.

It's ALL about how you are taught. There is no natural decision making process stating that killing someone and showing your naughty bits are wrong. In fact biologically, the showing of your junk can be a good thing, and killing someone may be warranted as well.
[]Username checks out
[]didnt read but I think you should tap that ass
[]I work at a fairly large supermarket and deal with stupid people on a regular basis. The one that always gets me is "Do You Work here?" Like no lady i'm just wearing the uniform with our logo and a name tag because I think it looks good.
[]For Texas residents we have a state run version that almost no one knows about. Look on the back of your license and you'll find a number for Texas roadside assistance. It's payed for by your taxes already and they'll show up and change your tire or bring you a bit of gas to get to the next station.
[]Turns out I have a sister and she's just great.

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