Mayıs Kraliçesi Bölüm Fragmanı

2016-01-03 9

Yeah I remember watching this and thinking the cuts were obvious.
[]There definitely is some backlash against parents who peeve their kids ears. My feild of work is body modification (tattooist) and I think piecing a baby's ears is so fucked up. What, your baby isn't cute enough you feel the need to bling it up? Fuck outta here with that bullshit. The no good reason to perform cosmetic modifications on an infant. None. Stop hurting your kid to make it "look better". And I'm not even going to get into the health risks people put their kids in getting piercings done at a mall kiosk...
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[]Thank you!! I don't understand how people can spread so much misinformation and never even attempt to research these things.
[]While working as a mall santa
[]Actually fairly easy to build a earthquake/hurricane proof house as long as you don't mind living in a reinforced concrete dome.
[]While working as Starbucks a lady asked me "is the hot brewed coffee hot?" I mean it was literally in the name.
[]People are probably like "Ooh different shirt, they must be a manager!
[]What why?
[]That i get laid a lot. Was the biggest dork back then. 13 year old me would just say that im fucking with him.

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Episode 6 -
[]Like a murder of crows, a parliament of owls, a gaggle of geese.
[]Id be pissed if they expected it from me. It's not about the amount it's about the thought. Like I used to make a bit more money than my friends and I was happy to pay for things but I wanted someone to offer to split the bill first.
[]Weird, really weird. I'm not even into my mid 20s and I've already experienced so much. It's been a fucking Rollercoaster and honestly I don't bother talking about alot of it because to be completely honest, it would sound like I was full of shit. Though I do have proof to back up these stories, I'd rather not waste my time having to prove myself. As far as anyone knows, my life growing up was completely uneventful.
[]Pretty sure more research is needed on the effects cannabis has.
[]As they should.
[]It's a great idea. I've talked to a researcher that worked on that idea (this was... more than 6 years ago). It should allow researchers to answer some fundamental questions, although I don't know what happened to that project at the end. I'm not familiar with what Kraig Biocraft is doing exactly though. It makes sense if you want to produce theoretically a material better than silkworm silk. It's also a great proof-of-concept idea.

However, it has been shown by some studies that the spider's anatomy/biochemistry/and behavioral post processing is crucial to obtaining the "best" properties, and silkworms simply can't do it.

Is it good enough for economical purposes? Probably.

Will you be able to directly recapitulate spider silk like that? Most likely not.
[]I usually say yes, and then begin to speculate wildly about how They might be getting the river to flow they way it does.
[]Honestly, I've been out as trans (non-binary) for a couple of years, and I still catch myself assuming other people's gender or misgendering people. I've still got some internalized transphobia and cisnormativism too. I always try to remember that if I, a trans person active in the LGBT community, can do that, then everyone else can too and I'm really in no place to fault them.
[]Possibly, but I think the peak plasma levels are increased and there is also a chance that less naloxone is ingested with it as well with that method. You have to remember, these guys are doing doses under 1mg, which I doubt would do much or be active orally.
[]It's kind of a love/hate relationship. You do get used to it over a couple of year but I don't think it ever stops hurting and I don't really believe most people who say it does. (This)[ ] is probably the best answer I've written to that question!

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