Imran Khan Hero Hai Aur Mein Hero Ko Kabhi Mashwara Nahi Deta Rauf Klasra

2016-01-03 6

Yeah and they keep upgrading to new types of modems every couple years in my area, and don't bother telling us
[]Richard Pryor - Live in Concert

The whole thing is straight up hilarious.
[]Lol. Yep.
[]His running mate said on CNN that it's the media's vault for asking "gotcha" questions and turning the interviews into a "pop quiz"

Naming any world leader or knowing what Aleppo is, is not a pop quiz or a trick question
[]Very interesting read, have things been better as of late?
[]The DET of 1909 was the shittiest version. Studio kept pressuring for keeping the Taiwan scenes, which added NOTHING to the final cut. The Ultimate cut has none of the crap Taiwan story arc, and condenses the replicant commune hedgemony plot arc to the a brief sidebar, where it should be.

Take a film class.
[]You'll only be happy two days with a boat: the day you buy it and the day you sell it.
[]He uses his phone so that people won't annoy him when he wants to enjoy time alone. He's not scared of them, he's fucking annoyed by them. And you, the "internet introvert" (no really guys I'm an introvert let me tell you all about why you're all wrong and I'm right!) are a perfect example of why.
[]I'm pretty sure the church of kek will be remembered longer than the church of harambe. Harambe has never influenced a US election.
[]It depends on the bank, not the decision.

Here is a reference for which banks use hard inquiries and which do not: LINK
[]I'm so glad there is someone else out there who thought the same thing.
[]Or you just don't joke about that shit. Cop asks if you've been smoking and you haven't, just say "no officer". Sticking to yes or no answers is considerably safer because it prevents the officer from finding a way to say you were combative or non cooperative.
[]If you sperm quality is fine the study suggests your son's will be too. He can inheret your kow sperm count, but if that's not your fertility issue then it won't be his either.
[]That's because people were smart and evacuated. This is the level of damage Hurricane Andrew caused. You don't just board up some windows and ride that kind of storm out.
[]I feel like everyone at some point does or says something hypocritical though
I was curious as to whether there was anything Live-Action based that can be considered dark and isn't one of the usual suspects?

Is Unbreakable dark enough for you? If nothing else, it has a kid holding his dad at gunpoint.
[]Very interesting. I'd be interested in hearing what a blind person (who has never been able to see) experiences while asleep and dreaming.
