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2016-01-03 1

Typical anti Russian stance. They can only speak about Russia because they can't hear anything about the double stance.
By bar do you mean applebee's?
On June 25, 2008, Landham announced his candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by Mitch McConnell on the Libertarian line. The same day Landham called for genocide against Arabs and referred to them as "ragheads". His comments were made on the political radio show The Weekly Filibuster. Three days later, on June 28, the Kentucky Libertarians voted unanimously to withdraw Landham's nomination, citing his comments were not in keeping with the party's platform and values.
Whatever. On a burger or grilled cheese it's amazing. It's a match made in heaven. I don't want that coagulated cheese that looks like it sat out for 12 hours when it literally just came off the grill. Give me that melty ooey-gooey goodness. And I'll happily enjoy a bowl of Kraft Mac 'n Cheese or Velveeta Shells and Cheese.
Like who?
I am thinking that if he was addicted to sex he would be having sex with her, along with all the other stuff.
Sicario was a whole lot better than I expected. I had test screening tickets to it, but decided not to go due to time constraints. I then read a couple reviews and saw its ratings on Rotten Tomatoes and IMDB, then watched it as soon as it was released to Blu-ray. I kind of wish I had watched it in theaters.

Use your imagination.
I like you
That's not proper wine etiquette. He forgot the pinky.
What we wanted/expected was the Joker. What we got was the guy from Spring Breakers.
9 months
I trust your judgement.
Like this

Or like this without makeup and with my daughter.
Hello Dan! Hope everything's great for you and the band!

I've got two questions for you:

1 - You are often described as a pop band. Even if I get why, you're way more to me (But don't get me wrong i ADORE pop music) So I was wondering, what do you thing about "major" pop stars? (Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, Rihanna, Britney, etc...)

2 - And so, what would be YOUR definition of pop music?

Thanks a lot for doing this, see you relatively soon on tour, in Barcelona!
yeah it's definitely not "scary," especially since the effects are so ridiculously outdated now.
Season 6 of Supernatural.
My future self thanks you. Good post.
The reason it's associated with subpar overpriced fast food is because that's exactly what it overwhelmingly is.

There's one full of people near my work. When I started work I've tried every one, all 20. Every single one sucks. 10 year later I give it another chance. Nope. Every. Single. One. Before we even talk about changing peoples' mindset, we need to first change the food.
So two journalists were detained for 2 hours because their drone wasn't registered. I don't see a problem. Drone registration is also requirement in US.
You stole this. Give credit.

fucking up the life of the mother

pregnancy hardly fucks up the life of a mother. If you get pregnant, and it was unplanned, admit you made a mistake, carry the child for 9 months and give her away for adoption. Don't kill it. We don't kill things that are an inconvenience to us. We learn from our mistakes, but we also have to pay the consequence.

Also why would you destroy a safe individual life that already perfectly exists and enjoys life,

You fail to explain how pregnancy "destroys a safe individual life". It only limits autonomy for a short period (9 months?) compared to what, 70-80 years of life for a new individual?

And not even a good life for it, just a life.

Does anyone have a right to determine what is a good life? Why are already determining the life of a child before they've lived it? In a 1st world society such as ours even unwanted children can grow up, work, love, desire and leave fulfilling lives. I've read about children

How does that even make sense? Why not abort the unwanted ones and support the wanted ones more instead of throwing all into the pity of misery?

because you take life way too lightly. No-one has the right to determine whether a life is worth living except the person in question. How dare we (or the mother or anyone) determine the quality of life of a fetus and then judge it to be a "pit of misery" (and hence aborted)? People who argue like this don't understand this very important concept, that no-one, absolutely no-one has the right rate the life of another person. If you cannot understand this simple concept, then I have nothing else to say.
And not a Windows 95 virus?
Lucky number 7 does not apply to phone makers.
So true.
