Dejan Lovren Gets Pranked By Cheeky West Ham Mascot

2016-01-03 22

Not movies
I'm fine with that. Its simple and its giving what I want, The Batman
They can. They also warn in large clouds, overtake everything, bite if they get caught in our clothes, and smell horrendous.
True facts?
To be fair, I grew up in a city with no parallel parking unless you went downtown when it was super crowded, otherwise there was enough free parking for it to never be necessary for me. I went to Detroit where there is a lot and I still haven't figured that shit out.
A new car
College loans.
Yeah, not swallowing tongues.
When I was a kid, we had a family trip to Fiji. Going through the X-ray area and the security guy asks 10yo me if I wanted to go through the actual machine that they use for bags, and of course 10yo me goes yeah! He immediately back pedalled, and I definitely thought it was bull at the time.

Definitely a different era regarding airport security...
Why the fuck are you so lazy?
Grey hair.
I'm totally fine being a sucker in your eyes.
Sgt. Griggs is incredibly necessary in veteran difficulty on CoD 4 though, due to the fact that he's invincible and will soak up bullets if you hide behind him.
Hello Dan I'm sorry I'm late but I was at school I hope you don't miss my questions. So first off congratulations on the release of Wild World, I'm absolutely obsessed with it...
1.- did you know from the beginning what you wanted to make of the album and what you wanted it to sound like or was it something that came along as you were recording it?
2.- what is a place/stage that you would love to perform in?
3.- I noticed that you mention alcohol and drinking constantly during the album - I'm curious as to why
I guess that's it for now, take care, stay happy and thank you for making music and for the amazing experience that Wild World has been, greetings from Mexico a hope to have you back sometime soon. With love, Gaby.
A Farewell to Arms, by Hemingway I love his stuff and it's his only major one I think I haven't read. Also, it is the only book on this girl that I like's bookshelf that I haven't read that is up my alley.

A Salmon of Doubt, by Douglass Adams. It's great so far and has some things that are so funny and this that are interesting about the man.
I hope any sequel films continue with The Batman as a prefix title.

The Batman: Impostor - A Clayface villain movie.

The Batman: Exposed - A Riddler villain movie.

The Batman: Hush - Self-explanatory villain.

Batman has such a fucking deep well of characters we haven't touched yet. I have so much hope we get them within the next two decades.
I like, "the train derailed at the departing station."
Actually, it isn't ironic at all.
Hello Dan! I've had these questions for a while, yet never seem to have had them answered!
1. Do you recognise fan twitter @'s
2. What song took the longest to write on the album, why
3. What was the inspiration behind Way Beyond
Hey Dan. Hope you are well. Do you miss your family whilst traveiling? Do you keep in touch?
It's when a singer breathes out more than they need to while singing. It sounds soft and "whispery", and it's meant to convey vulnerability. It's a very affected sound, and it can easily be overdone.
Was just thinking this and then immediately saw your comment.

I'm almost certain this was the first ever video I watched on YouTube, that or a song about boobs.
You are aware that people from NASA and the FAA, among others, are part of the investigation team set up by SpaceX, right? They are working closely with such agencies, so stop acting like this isn't without outside oversight and attention.

The government wants to investigate as a part of their contracts, let them, but people like you need to stop acting like this is entirely in house and without external oversight.
Can confirm, had leg surgery, wrote left and right on my legs.

Honestly, I'm not sure why, as my left leg is very visibly not correct.
Well deserved. I laugh at the fact that people even do this.