Deandre Jordans Dunk Party

2016-01-03 2

Are you insinuating that Ben Gibbard is basic?!
Don't Breathe, out in theaters right now. The genres just listed crime and thriller, so i wasn't expecting what i got. Most intense movie I've ever seen, my whole body tensed up for the entire movie, also nothing supernatural (i feel like that's over saturating horror right now). Synopsis is three burglars try to rob a old war veteran who's blind.
Gummi Bears.

Soft, chewy crack.
They don't test for parallel parking.
but that guy just did it without lifting a finger.
On one hand im like, man they usher like thousands of kids around the world a year, fine for decades. One little slip up and someone thinks they can make money.

But then again Trump (iirc he said it) is kinda right, airports and shit SUCK in america. If you used our air trasnportation as the quality of america, yea weve gone right down the shitter.

So sue the pants off of everyone involved, they arnt trying hard enough god damnit

TL:DR Idk though. Seems friv to me, but also screw airlines.
Honestly? Really shouldn't be their problem. Sorry.
"Watch out, her comes the Spider-Man!"
What kind of tea are you drinking?
But doesnt anyone else see how that flies in the face of reason though? It is bad enough being a driver near a cyclist on a regular road, much less whizzing by them at like 55-60MPH on a highway.

There is no logical reason why a person needs to take their cycling hobby to the highway.
You got gilded, so this must be a good post, but I don't know the reference. Help?
The fluid coming out of your genitals is actually God's tears
you don't know a lot of girls your age then.

I just put car and home together to make it easier.

It's not easier. It's not giving a clear view of your finances. You've given essentially no information on how much this house costs. You haven't even said the total cost or what you're paying each month. But you want people to tell you if they think it's affordable. Do you not see any issue there?

No housing costs really.

So you're not paying a mortgage?

The 100 a month can be for retirement

You're not saving nearly enough for retirement. You want to save at minimum 15% towards retirement.

What does PMI mean?

Private mortgage insurance. Aka an extra fee if you put down less than 20%.

From what you've said, this is more than you can afford. You haven't done your research and aren't saving for retirement.

She wont have access to medicare for another 15 years. Unless she has pre-arranged health insurance, this can get VERY expensive.

Agreed. Her single biggest spending category, month in/month out, will very likely be for health coverage + health treatment. This lucky lady will need to alter her 'semi-retirement plan' to build in some kind of support/provision for health coverage.

As an aside, this basic caution applies to MOST people who retire before age 65. I'm kind of surprised at the almost total absence of
questions about the subject in PF/retirement
It why we need Heliports like the ones in Japan, when a Helli is landing the entire ring and H blink Green for clear the area, yellow for Caution and Red for imminent landing within the next few minutes.

They even have a polite chime and an automated voice instructs people to clear the are and make it safe for Himedic landing.
Ok. I'm pretty sure with that kind of attitude you have never had sex
Terrifyingly low. The driving test around here (southeastern Louisiana) consists of the following: pull out onto the highway by the DMV, execute lane change, execute U-Turn, turn onto surface street, drive around block while stopping at stop signs, pull into DMV, execute standard parking maneuver. That's it. Takes less than 5 minutes and a teenager can operate a 3,000 pound death machine.
About 10 minutes walk from my house is a sort of landmark called The Bundle Beeches.

Basically, as the name suggests, they are beech trees planted & spliced into one another.
Oh it links with your accounts like Mint now?
Invest. You will thank yourself later.
Yeah that's how it was for me, i'd love to know how it happens!
Ultimate showdown of ultimate destiny. Such a damn well made video for the time
I love you
Did you get that at a Trump rally?

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