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2016-01-03 42

The Florida dates you scheduled are the night before and after my AP exams? Can you come perform at my house instead? (I will make the whole crew complimentary baked goods)
It's not quite the same thing. The nature of self-driving cars and the type of infrastructure that is beginning to coalesce about them could lead to radical rethinks of how mass transportation for example is conceived. That is what this article is describing. Thousand upon thousands of electric, non-owned autonomous vehicles moving about a city like nothing so much as computerized corpuscles. We call them cars for now, having limited knowledge of them, but that is not what they are at all
But it looks so delicious!

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Damn, times must be tough if you don't have sauce
Yea.... this scene.... fuck you and god bless you, David Lynch... dude is a master at tapping into whatever it is that makes me feel sane and making it piss itself trying to come to terms with what I've witnessed.

I think I just realized... you don't watch a Lynch movie... you witness it.
Look at they little feet.
The mist.

Stephen king in movie form its a modern version of an old school style film i think, it has tha vibe for me

7.4 on imdb!
What? You mean you're not going to buy an entire sub-par system to play a sodding game? What madness is this?...
Kill List is absolutely worth watching. It just feels wrong.
Talking to myself
Thoughts on the new Bon Iver album?
I would not like, thank you for the offer....

Okay yes I'm dying to know.
Oh damnit. My country's time to shine again.
Bahrain, in the middle east near Saudi Arabia, it's nowhere as extreme as Saudi Arabia in rules though. Saudis always come to Bahrain for their weekend instead of staying in Saudi Arabia.

Look up 'RethinkBH' on Instagram, some of the people that get caught by the traffic cameras get the video posted on that page.
A Field in England is also so so strange and good.

I just discovered Wheatley a few months ago and he's immediately become one of my favorite directors.
I can't get of enough of Julian Casablancas or The Strokes.
Well if you have a nanny or friend, that's now 4 more tickets to buy (roundtrip fare for each of the kid's trips), or you now pay hotel for that person. Hundreds of kids fly every day without incident, so it's just a cost-benefit like anything else. I flew as a kid (not 5, though) and it was fine (and this was in the 80's when they didn't have crap like wristbands to scan).
Well, I mean if you want to get technical it's propaganda to support propaganda, not to justify it.

I'm not going to argue that non-propaganda is better than propaganda, but it's not "no better" to compare people leading you in a direction to ones leading you in a direction with no oversight.

ugh.. no one wants to see another Batfleck.

except like 90% of the people that saw BvS
I wouldn't be "okay" with it, but in a split second calculation of me and my kids being injured/killed vs a stranger and their kids being injured/killed, I think the answer is obvious and natural.
If you take three or more strides at an opponent without gliding. The kid in the gif did neither.

You can line someone up, but you can't run at someone like that.
Why would anyone think to go to WalMart for a nice anything?

Their business model being what it is, they specialize in low-end/cheap goods from foreign manufacturers to sell to consumers who can't afford to shop anywhere else--and make sure they have plenty of customers by not paying a living wage to their own employees.

You get what you pay for.
As stated, for your sentence to have meant what you're saying here you'd have had to have left "especially" out. I read just fine, it's you with the problem expressing yourself.


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