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2016-01-03 3

Japan will come around or it will disappear. The diseases of modernity will work themselves out and we shall see what comes out in the 22nd century. I hope Japan survives, just as I hope Europe survives.
Sesevenening intensifies
Would you like to learn more about how judges do their sentencing? Or would you rather further your women-hating agenda?
We aren't healers or police of the world. We need to fuck off and mind our own business.
No, you can't. I live on the 'shortcut' that people use to surpass 360 traffic by driving through my neighborhood, so I see this every day. About once a week 2 or 3 police officers sit at the entrance to the neighborhood just standing by their cars and flag people down that used the shoulder for more than a block or two and write them tickets. The cops are out of their cars so they can pull more people over at once. I've seen 10 cars all pulled over and getting tickets on one of those days. Ill get a picture and post it the next time it happens.
Just go third party so they get matching funds next time.
I currently work for a rental car company. If you did not get any sort of "insurance" through Hertz, you would, in theory, have to pay your deductible and file a claim through your own insurance. But it is likely you will not have to pay anything as hubcaps are considered "wear and tear" and easily replaced. I would recommend returning the car and if the salesperson sees it during inspection say, "yeah there is a slight rub on the hubcap." If you are humble but casual about it, they will likely just let it go and have it fixed during the next tire rotation.
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What is this? • First time here? • Special Announcements
I come from Québec. This one bugs me.
Curmudgeon. I thought the r preceded the first u.
Somehow Hillary Clinton would get blamed.
Op reminds me of my crazy grandmother who posts bumper sticker drivel on Facebook all day. Everything is black and white and easily explained with a two sentence meme
3D Interactive. Comet. Exploration.

3D I.C.E.
first bear, now shark, what next?

Find out next time, on dragon ball z
Hearth. Dumbass me thought the the H was silent, pronounced it out loud like 'earth' and I have never gotten such confused stares
Ladybird, ladybird fly away home,

Your house is on fire and your children are gone,

All except one,

And her name is Ann,

And she hid under the baking pan.
If we're splitting hairs, she makes money off of her apps, tv show, and appearances. She uses naked photos of herself for the publicity of previously mentioned things.
So FUZZY!!!!
Yea, but it was fun for a stupid movie. Not 0/10.
Democracy is more than just elections you fucking moron.
I didn't know cars came in American.

I don't know of any product that has american.

Is american like a new color?
He's arguably the greatest player in football history at arguably the most important position. He is instantly recognizable and looks like an idiot in this picture, therefore the meme was born in /r/nfl.
Sure, then the meal costs more.

No one, by the way, is stopping you from voluntarily paying more money.
Bouncer guy?
Shhh. You're not supposed to negate the never-having-kids (not by choice) redditors.
