Ecco Come Le Meduse Cambiano Colore

2016-01-03 11

Because it's an extra 15k
Everybody else seemed to get what I was saying, but for you I will explain further. You called both of them bitches, which is unfair. This could be an arranged marriage. They may not want to be getting involved in this. It might not be their choice. If you knew arranged marriages were a thing, why assume that these people just suck. I can understand the guy at least, but there is no reason to believe the woman is a bitch.
Get a job with benefits or start a retirement plan early, and stick to it. I've been with the same law office for 25 years, no PTO, no retirement, no benefits. At 55, I am kicking myself in the ass every day for not thinking ahead.
He is hated but not because he deserved it, it was just because the Senate hated him. He was distant and he looked like he didn't know what he wanted (je wanted to share power with the Senate, but the Senate was too lazy to accept. Then there was a serie of even which made him in not really warm relationship with the Senate. So many rumors went on ). But he isn't "the best Emperor " , even if he is clearly overlooked.
Nah, I'm pretty sure you're just reading too far into things
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What's wrong?
That... was fucking awful.
Maybe OP wishes this happened to him.
no one is confused what the fuck a Mean girls day is?
This is an example of a person infected to the bone with confirmation bias from years of working with law enforcement officers that echo the same hate filled and short sighted ideas because of their limited interaction with their communities.
Confident people don't belittle laughable choices of others. They allow them to be wrong (and happy) in peace.

But do go on about expensive vodkas. I'd love to learn more from someone with so keenly tuned senses.
I've had several surgeries. While conscience the surgeon comes in, we talk and while I can still function they start drawing on you. That way they always get the correct foot done.
Now I'm hearing the Kingsmen song...

Louie Louie, oh no
Me gotta go
Aye-yi-yi-yi, I said
(repeat ad nauseum)
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There's hundreds of famous Jesuit scientists.
I'll reply just to show love for the TV series. That show was so damn good it's a shame they ended it. Mads was incredible.
Every fart to be a shart.

How can you apply losses in one tax year to the previous tax years?

You refile the previous tax returns with the carryback noted. The IRS sends you a refund for the taxes you had paid in those years that you are no longer required to have paid.

If you had enough losses, do you get some sort of refund for the 3 previous years and not pay anything for the next 15?

Not in my family. Ugh.

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A record player
Gloves are a thing. ;)
What you think better use punctuation or remember words
Well, not the original source.

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