Lao NEWS on LNTV: Luang Prabang Peoples Court recently sentences Mr Vilaysak to death,21/

2016-01-02 10

VO Luang Prabang Peoples Court recently sentences Mr Vilaysak to death on charges of murdering his wife. INTRO: Luang Prabang Peoples Court recently .\r
VO Huaphan Peoples Court sentence eight men and one woman for embezzlement of the state budget INTRO: Huaphan Peoples Court has sentenced eight .\r
VO Luang Prabang announces its readiness to welcome Pi Mai visitors INTRO: Accommodation houses and food service providers in the World Heritage town of .\r
VO A total of 175 people died from road accidents in Vientiane during the 2013-14 fiscal year. INTRO: A total of 175 people died from road accidents in Vientiane .