If Allah is Abba, Father, then you are his son. Only sons have Father and vice versa.
We have two fathers; one of Nature in the name of Yahweh, Brahma or Khudah, who created the natural world. He is a Potter making the Pots, physical bodies that are houses for the souls of our Supernatural Father called Allah, ParBrahm or Elohim. Supernatural means greater than the natural father that you cannot see because it is NOOR with no physical self and Shariah laws apply to Him. He is all-in-all with no Father to obey. His qualities are just opposite to Yahweh or Khudah. He has all the positive qualities. Our Mother is Holy Spirit, a Virgin and She is the Spokesperson of Allah. So, that is why in Jesus, we are solitary with Christ, the Son of Most High, with us called Emmanuel.
Allah is known to those who are pre-destined of our Father. Shah Shamas Tabrez was such a person called Arif or Saint and He proclaimed to be the Son of God. These Mullahs, sons of Satan Al-Djmar Al-Aksa killed Him in the same manner as the Jews killed Jesus for proclaiming Elohim to be His Father. So, Judaism and Islam are the same hating Christs, the Sons of Most High. Jewish people when they entered the Fold of Hazrat Mohammed Sahib brought with them circumcision, the tribal mark of Abraham to Isaac and none else was the Tribal Covenant of Abraham to Isaac. But today, people of negro and Ariyan races are also circumcising making themselves the sons of Semitic race Abraham. This was bothering the Ethiopian Eunuch and Philip sorted it our for him. None of the Workers of Jesus ever baptised anyone ion water bu the Seventy outer circle labourers being trained for John, the Baptist did.
Please help me in writing my Book on "One God; One Faith". Replace 1 by 2, 3, 4, etc. for other chapters:-
In Jesus, we are to be solitary.
Flesh + soul = Once-born natural Disciple of the Rabbis
Flesh + soul + spirit = Twice-born sensible Labouring son of God
Fanatics are super bastard Devils – John 8v44:-
Much confused Trinity is explained:-
Playlist:- https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0C8AFaJhsWyU_oUMJodHvSZGoNDPk5bu
John's baptism:-
Please print these pages to understand Baani as well:-
Punjabi Book:-
Could anyone make a better job of my T-shirt design?:-