Syrian soldiers fight their way into strategic southern rebel-held town

2015-12-30 11

For President Assad’s soldiers, Russian air power has made all the difference…Al-Mastumah Falls Into Syrian Rebel Hands After Heavy Fighting With Syrian Army - Syria War 2015. Syrian rebels claim another sucsess in their recent Idlib ...

Syrian troops and their allies, backed by Russian jets, attacked rebel-held towns north of the city of Homs on Thursday, targeting a long-held and strategic ...

Syrian Civil War 2014 - Syrian Rebels In Heavy Urban Fighting During Ongoing Clashes In Sheikh Miskin. Despite all claims made by the Syrian opposition to ...

16 10 2015 - Russian air forces airstrikes against ISIS in Syria - UNCUT Syrian troops and their allies, backed by Russian jets, attacked rebel-held towns north of ...

The Army said on Tuesday, Syrian troops, backed by heavy aerial bombardment, pushed toward a strategic town in southern province of Deraa after capturing ...

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