Uk Visa Refusal and Administrative Review

2015-12-28 2

If you have an immigration application refused - either in the UK or outside the UK - you may or may not have a full right of appeal against the refusal decision. It is very important to check this.

At YDVISAS we have extensive experience and success in preparing appeals and administrative review applications in a wide range of areas.

We offer clients a seamless service throughout the entire process, from taking initial instructions through to the final appeal hearing.

Crucially, as OISC level 3 advisers, we are entitled to provide advocacy before both the First-Tier Tribunal and the Upper Tribunal.

Video Transcript:
Hi, my name is Yash Dubal and I am Senior Immigration Lawyer and Managing Director at YDVISAS. YDVISAS. YDVISAS is specialised UK Immigration Law firm based in Chancery Lane.

This video is about Administrative Review. These days most of the UK Immigration Applications Refused do not have a Right to Appeal. In these cases you may have an opportunity to Admin review the decision. It is very important to use this opportunity and get the decision overturn in your favour.

At YDVISAS, we specialise doing Administrative Review. The process with Administrative Review is there must be a case working error. Only then, there are chances that you will get a successful and positive decision after the Administrative Review.

Currently, we are working with a client whose Tier 2 Application was refused for a very minor working error on Home Office’s end. Home Office alleged that the client cannot switch the immigration status as the client did not complete a UK recognised Degree whereas the client did complete the degree from a recognised UK body.

We appealed to the Home Office via review system and they wrote back to us stating the case is being looked into. So, Admin Review is an opportunity to get the decision corrected for yourself. If you don’t get it right, there are lengthy legal litigation process where you will be spending a great deal of time, money and efforts in pre-action protocols followed by judicial review.

Please contact our expert and specialised team at YDVISAS at the contact details at the bottom of the video.