Sulphuric acid spills as freight train derails in Australia

2015-12-28 3

Extreme weather has hampered recovery efforts after a freight train transporting some 200,000 litres of sulphuric acid derailed…قطار شحن محمل بسائل حامض الكبريت حاد عن سكته وتسبب بجروح لثلاثة أشخاص، شمال غربي كوينزلاند في أستراليا ...

Danger and highly toxic sulphuric acid spills in Australia also ...

Extreme weather has hampered recovery efforts after a freight train transporting some 200000 litres of sulphuric acid derailed in the Australian outback.

В Австралии спасатели приступили к расчистке территории в районе крушения товарного поезда, перевозившего...

A freight train carrying 200000 liters of sulphuric acid has derailed in northeast Australia. Acid and diesel fuel have spilled. The locomotive and all its 26 ...

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