Who was George Carlin the man behind the comedy? Pt 6 of 9

2015-12-27 5

Tribute: Who was George Carlin the man behind the comedy?

We have all seen George Carlin do comedy. We could relate to George. He
made us laugh when we were hurting so much from trying to find justice in injustice world that we found ourselves in! Ours website www.peoplestandup.ca is real and it is made up of simple truths just as George spoke about simple truths.

We all felt George would have been proud of what we did. We stood up as common after we lost everything our business and personal monies and one of us lost our freedoms and our Human Rights. We lost our trust of our community and it government. This how we found George Carlin on YouTube.

We have been researching for 14 hours per day for over a few months to get something ready for his 5 years he left us in June 22, 2008. We can’t put everything up we found but we hope to keeping putting more of George Carlin. This story needs to be told for and hope the all You tubers will put up a tribute video to George Carlin life and legacy!

What we found behind George Carlin Comedy was awesome man, honesty, and with great wisdom. He knew the truth of what going in this world! George never gave up sharing rate until he took his last dying breath. George the man was bigger then life and left us so must.

I invite my fellow You Tubers to search the internet for this man and go out internet and find more Goerge works. You find agood and great man behind the Comedy! He gave more to world then anyone could image one man could give of himself. You Tubers have made him the “Godfather of YouTube”.

We will upload more of George Carlin over a period of time.

We hope you enjoy these news clips, interviews, friends share about his life and family. We found everything in the Public domain. You will be amaze by this man who was a genies and visionary who saw way a head of his time!
Thank you George Carlin for being here on earth shocking us and making all us think and question our own world to be better people! George Carlin was man for common people!

Thank from www.peoplestandup.ca

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