The Shooting Show foxing with lamp and vehicle, and Scottish lowland deer

2015-12-26 17

Sporting Rifle magazines Mark Nicholson is out with lamp and rifle on his local patch for a spot of vehicular foxing. With Zoli rifle, Zeiss optic and Remington .\r
Sporting Rifle magazines Mark Nicholson is out with lamp and rifle on his local patch for a spot of vehicular foxing. With Zoli rifle, Zeiss optic and Remington .\r
Out every week from 7.30pm (UK time) on Monday nights, its all you need to know about the UK hunting/shooting scene from the publishers of Sporting Rifle, .\r
Scott Mackenzie, previously seen taking us stalking in Skye, returns to the isle this time with foxes in his sights. Very little of his .