War Thunder Daily - Tank Battle #9 - 1st Battle - Britain's Tanks

2015-12-24 4

Britain's Tanks is very interesting Tank in World War 2. has very different style and thinking.

The surprise things is My A13 Mk.I 3rd RTR and Tetrach MK.I Both destroy by T17E2. It's make no sense. and make me crazy.

I guess T17E2 maybe is a good choose on the very beginner battle. 12.7 mm machine gun can easy destroy these light Tank with only 14 mm armor.

Useing three type tank.
1.A13 Mk.I 3rd RTR (I got form Battle #8 gift : https://youtu.be/PtT-CPK9jTE)
2.Tetrach Mk.I
3.A13 Mk.I

In This First Battle. All Tank's Crew is 0 XP point and 0 Level. and Qualification is none.
All Tank's Modifications is Basic. with no any new research.