Poll: Post-debate, voters move to Clinton

2015-12-23 3

Hillary Clinton maintains a commanding lead in a new CNN/ORC poll , boosted by broader support in the days after the latest debate between the remaining three Democratic presidential candidates. The former secretary of state has even larger leads on foreign policy matters and ISIS, however, topping Sanders 72% to 15% on foreign policy, 63% to 18% on ISIS. Although much of the debate over guns on the Democratic side has centered on Sanders' more gun-friendly views after representing a state where many own guns, among registered Democrats who say they or someone in their household owns a gun, Clinton is more widely trusted to handle gun policy: 58% favor her take on the issue vs. 28% who prefer Sanders. The gender gap that has persisted throughout the race for the Democratic nomination continues as the year comes to a close, with women favoring Clinton 56% to 23% and men about evenly divided, 46% Sanders to 44% Clinton.

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