Tonight we are going to be looking at an early preview of “Rise and Shine” an upcoming puzzle/run & gun hybrid from Super Mega Team and published by Adult Swim.
You play Rise a young boy living on the Planet Gamearth (The world of classic video game characters). At the start of the game whilst hiding during a war he is given the legendary gun Shine by Link from Legend of Zelda (I am not kidding) and embarks on a quest to save the planet from invaders.
The best way to describe this game is Metal Slug but with less action and more puzzle solving. As well as the usual shooting mechanics you also have the ability to fire and control bullets slowly and it is this mechanic that allows you to solve many of the games puzzles and ever increasingly difficult boss fights.
All mechanics work well and “Rise and Shine” is a joy to play. Ever part of the game is obviously a love letter to the medium we know and love and there are excellent homages to all of videogames lovingly littered throughout.
Visually the game is draw droppingly beautiful. All levels are hand drawn and the game runs at a solid 60fps throughout. The bosses of the game are also a real sight to behold and definitely stand out as amazingly drawn video game characters. Hell the whole game looks like hand drawn concept art… and that’s because it basically is. This also sits in perfectly with the game’s wonderful charm and presentation that makes you want to keep playing.
The only thing I feel currently in need of improvement is the controls. Having a controller is an absolute must which is a shame as I am desperate to be able to use the mouse to aim Shine with pitch perfect precision but hey we can’t have everything.
I have really enjoyed my initial preview of Rise and Shine having played through the content that was made available to us several times over and I for one cannot wait to play through the full game when it is released early next year.