Play-Doh Surprise Balls with Toys - Smurf, Minion, Pluto & Hello Kitty

2015-12-18 8

We show Play-Doh Surprise Balls with Toys - Smurf, Minion, Pluto & Hello Kitty Youtube Fun Video for babies, kids, families & collectors

Surprise (About this sound pronunciation (help·info)) is a brief mental and physiological state, a startle response experienced by animals and humans as the result of an unexpected event. Surprise can have any valence; that is, it can be neutral/moderate, pleasant, unpleasant, positive, or negative. Surprise can occur in varying levels of intensity ranging from very-surprised, which may induce the fight-or-flight response, or little-surprise that elicits a less intense response to the stimuli.

Surprise is intimately connected to the idea of acting in accordance with a set of rules. When the rules of reality generating events of daily life separate from the rule-of-thumb expectations, surprise is the outcome. Surprise represents the difference between expectations and reality, the gap between our assumptions and expectations about worldly events and the way that those events actually turn out.[1] This gap can be deemed an important foundation on which new findings are based since surprises can make people aware of their own ignorance. The acknowledgement of ignorance, in turn, can mean a window to new knowledge.

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Other translations for viewers from other countries:

*in Spanish, en español: Play-Doh Sorpresa bolas con los juguetes - Pitufo, Minion, Plutón & Hello Kitty Fun Youtube Video en bebés, niños, familias & coleccionistas

*in French, en français: Play-Doh Surprise Balls avec des jouets - Schtroumpf, Minion, Pluton & Bonjour Kitty Fun Vidéo Youtube pour les bébés, les enfants, les familles & collectionneurs

*in Portuguese, em Português: Play-Doh Surpresa Bolas com brinquedos - Smurf, Minion, Pluto & Olá Kitty Youtube Fun Vídeo para bebês, crianças, famílias & colecionadores

*in Norwegian, i norsk: Play-Doh Surprise Balls med Toys - Smurf, Minion, Pluto & Hello Kitty Youtube Fun Video for babyer, barn, familier & samlere

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