How to Get Rid of Herpes Virus Fast
How to Get Rid of Herpes Virus Fast
The herpes simplex virus does not yet have a cure, so it may seem like a life sentence. However, you can try natural methods to manage its symptoms and even keep it from recurring without spending an arm and a leg in the process. Read the following tips on how to get rid of herpes virus fast.
Herpes Simplex Virus (Disease Cause),
Herpes Simplex (Disease Or Medical Condition),
Virus (Type Of Infectious Agent),Speed,Get,
how to get rid of herpes virus fast blisters,
cold sores herpes simplex virus canker sores genital herpes
The most viable option is using olive leaf extract (OLE). Chris Kilham of Fox News has noted that the olive leaf has oleuropein, which Âexhibits antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal activity, and is useful for fighting various types of internal infections. Furthermore, according to Olivus, it is said to be able to contain viral infections and stop herpes symptoms by Âshutting down viral replication in male and female herpes and mild herpes simplex, zoster, type 1 and type 2.Â
Many studies have also confirmed the above. According to Dr. Harold Renis's research in 1969 at Upjohn, he noted that olive leaf extract is indeed a highly potent virus and bacteria killer. In various studies French biologists conducted in 1992, they also reached a similar conclusion.
y found that it killed, inhibited, or cured herpes viral infections.
To try OLE, get it in tablet form at a health store. Taking two to three tablets containing 20% oleuropein every day, whether in between meals or just before a meal, is ideal. Less acute infections require taking just one tablet every day, but because herpes requires a more aggressive remedy due to its viral nature, consider a higher dosage for optimal results, at least during the first couple months of treatment.
It is recommended that you keep taking olive leaf extract tablets every day even after symptoms subside. Olive leaf extract is an immune booster, so taking it daily as a supplement is also generally good for you. However, do know that you may experience some side effects, such as headaches, fatigue, diarrhea, and even flu-like symptoms. Don't let minor issues stop you from continuing to take OLE, as they are just signs that the medicine is working and detoxifying your body.
Once you see some improvement in your symptoms and notice a die off, begin reducing the dosage until the symptoms disappear; however, it is advisable that you continue with a low dose indefinitely to keep your immune system optimized.
You can also use olive oil to treat herpes, even in conjunction with OLE. Pour a cup of olive oil in a pot, and heat over medium heat. Add in some lavender and beeswax. Stir it to thoroughly mix.
After a few minutes, allow the mixture to cool down so it doesn't burn you. Then, spread it on the affected area.
Other options include zinc, echinacea, and vitamin C to counteract herpes. These three help boost your immune system, which is essential to stopping the symptoms.
Consider using the mushroom reishi, which is said to be antiviral and an immunity booster. You may eat this plant alone or with other greens.
Despite trying these methods on how to get rid of herpes virus fast, you may in rare instances still have to deal with ulcers or some of the symptoms. Ice the sores to help alleviate the pain and the itch. In addition, to help speed up the effects of the natural remedies, make healthy lifestyle changes and choices, such as avoiding eating junk food and sugary treats. Lastly, not drinking alcohol and smoking during the duration of the treatment ensures optimal results.