The 14,000 Strong Tango Blast Street Gang Of Texas

2015-12-15 213

Puro Tango Blast, or Tango Blast, is a term used to collectively describe various regionally based gangs of generally Hispanic men from major Texas cities.

Although often referred to as a prison gang, Tango Blast is different than traditional prison gangs such as Mexikanemi and the Texas Syndicate, lacking the typically strict hierarchy of those organizations. The Texas Department of Public Safety classifies Tango Blast as a "loose affiliation" gang, with "relaxed membership requirements and little to no detectable leadership hierarchy." The El Paso County sheriff's officials have noted that "there is no known formal organization of the gang on El Paso streets." While those more structured organizations, known as Security Threat Groups, will have a variety of structures, Tango members in a particular area of a correctional facility will elect a silla (Spanish for "chair"), to speak for that area of the facility. There is no consistent pathway for initiation into a Tango; rather, each individual set of Tango members determines who it admits and by what methods. One initiation method is called a "Cora Check" or a test of heart in which the potential member must engage in physical combat with 2 or more members, provided that he does not surrender during the melee he is inducted to the gang. Members are not required to perform gang activity when released from prison, making Tangos more popular among younger people.