Receding Glaciers in Pakistan Part 01

2015-12-12 56

Glaciers that feed the Indus river in Pakistan’s Karakoram mountains are melting faster than previously thought, according to new field research.
Saleem Sheikh talks to the scientists behind the latest field research that contradicts earlier satellite studies showing glaciers are relatively stable.

Around 5,000 glaciers in northern areas of Chitral district and Gilgit-Baltistan region are melting at a much faster rate due to increase in average temperatures in the mountainous valleys.
“Presently, glacial melting is among major global warming-induced risk Pakistan is grappled with. Other risks include sea-level rise, floods, higher than average temperature, a higher frequency of droughts and expanding desertification,
During summer months, he said, increased or above normal flows in glacial streams, which all eventually feed the 3,500 kilometers-long Indus River, clearly indicate that the country's glaciers are melting rapidly.

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