President Obama Names Kendrick Lamar's 'How Much A Dollar Cost' as His Favorite Song of 2015

2015-12-10 33

When President Obama's presidential term comes to an end, the White House will probably end up being a little bland.
And you can probably assume whomever ends up taking his place, won't be blasting Kendrick Lamar in the oval office.
See Also In a recent interview with People Magazine, the president said his favorite song of 2015 was Lamar's "How Much A Dollar Cost."
Which makes sense, because after 2 terms of battling the budget, the president definitely has an idea on the answer to that song's question.
Not to miss out on naming her favorite song of 2015, the Flotus gave props to "Uptown Funk," by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars.
As the Obama family embarks on their last several months in the White House, there's one thing that we can all probably agree on: they were the coolest family to ever step foot in it.