Bajaj Auto unveiled the Bajaj Pulsar 200 DTS-i in February 2007. This is a more powerful version of the Pulsar 150 and 180cc. It's higher stance with greater chassis rear inclination makes it sporty.
Recently the Rcing Bikes in india bajaj has won Hall Pride of the Bike Award 2011. famous racing bikes in india, Bajaj Pulsar, Yamaha bike bikes in india bajaj is available with four variants which are powered by four different capacities engines and delivers different level of engine power and performance. Let's discuss it's each variant. The rcing bikes in india bajaj 135 is powered by the 34.66cc, 4-Stroke, Air-Cooled, 4-Valve, Single Cylinder, SOHC and come with the five speed manual transmission gearbox. It can produce peak power of 9000rpm with 11.4Nm of maximum torque at 7500rpm.
You can easily get a suitable bike for yourself either from a dealer or from an individual. While buying a second hand or a pre owned bike you have to be sure that you do a fair deal. Before finalizing the vehicle lot of home work is required. Firstly you must keenly observe the each and every part of the bike. Get as much detail you can gain from the owner or the dealer from which you are buying the vehicle. Check the technical and the machinery part deeply in order to avoid future problems. And if this inspection fulfils all your expectation then go for the price negotiation and finalize the deal.
Bajaj has also to its credit, the Discover range. Bajaj Discover comes in engine configuration of 112 cc, 125 cc and 135 cc including the Bajaj Discover 100. Let us concentrate our discussion on Bajaj Discover 100.
Go ahead in the second hand market only when you have an idea of what the prices of used bikes are as well as those of the brand new bikes. This equips you with information which you can use to bargain down the price being offered by the seller. Use a classified ads web portal and look up the bikes segment. You would find a lot of bikes mentioned there and many would be put up