Other Notes:
• Brawlhalla will be played soon. Online probably won't happen, unless I find more info on it but will be played around Christmas Time.
• I am an inch close to being a member of the Darkwraith Covenant in Dark Souls, which will allow proper PVP access with unlimited usage of the Red Eye Orb unless you're not in the covenant.
Monday Roulette:
Dead or Alive 5 Last Round/Ultimate (Online on Xbox 360)
Trials Fusion (PS4)
Godzilla (PS4)
Tuesday Shmup:
Metro Redux (Both games will be covered; PS4)
Mindjack (Offline on Xbox 360, need to make progress!)
No stream on Wednesday due to real life stuff going on, mainly a monthly event. If the monthly event doesn't take all day, a quick PC stream of what I've gotten on Steam.
Thursday Adventure:
Red Dead Redemption (System Link on Xbox 360)
GTA 4 (Single Player on Xbox 360, maybe online if attendance/demand is decent)
Friday Fight:
J Stars Victory Vs+ (PS4)
Guilty Gear Xrd Sign (PS4)
Blazblue Chrono Phantasma Extend (PS4)