Ashutosh Gowariker and Hrithik Roshan have worked together for magnum opus film Jodha Akbar. But sources have reported that all is not well between the two. The two have teamed up once again for periodic film Mohenjodaro. The film is based on ancient civilization a era when theory of survival of the fittest for in fact the truth. One scene in film required Hrithik to fight with a giant crocodile.
Obviously the shoot had to be done with fake croc and rest leave to special effects. the pictures of the scene of croc and Hrithik were leaked on social media sites where fans criticized and made fun of Hrithik and croc. And Hrithik wants to reshoot the scene to make it more realistic but Ashutosh denied it as it will affect schedule. And since then things are not well between them. Status quo is they will reconsider it after shoot of film completes.