The Best Plumber in Somerset County 908 725 0079 is MTP Plumbing
MTP Plumbing & Heating LLC of Hillsborough NJ was started in 2001 primarily servicing Somerset and Middlesex Counties.
MTP sells, installs and services gas and electric water heaters, boilers, furnaces and air conditioning systems. We clean, inspect and service sewers and drains. We also specialize in sump pumps, battery backups, water backups, gas piping, water filters, water softening, outside faucets, appliance installation, gas fireplace conversions, gas grill installation, and underground excavations. Browse our website to learn more about our plumbing, heating & cooling services, or contact us today for New Jersey’s best HVAC contractor and plumber.
Since MTP was started in 2001, we have focused on delivering outstanding service to each and every one of our customers. Our office is staffed Monday through Friday from 7:30 am to 4:00 pm with highly trained customer service representatives. You will always talk to a live staff member during normal business hours. On nights, weekends and holidays you will be able to navigate your way through our easy telephone prompting system for scheduling, billing, customer service and emergency mailboxes.