Unlimited Breathing Tutorial for (Super Not-Drowning Skills):
1. Close/Turn OFF WiFi or Unplug LAN Internet Connection.
2. Connection Lost Message said "?" and Move mouse for Message Box at the top right of screen then down drag at top right for any screen box to hide.
3. Ready to play unlimited breathing underwater and begin and stay underwater then Hold Alt+Z to Hide UI Display.
Also use Unequipment character for stay underwater.
NOTE: if Stay Underwater for 7min+ or unlimited hours for unlimited breathing underwater and stay along. then next time for stay underwater.
4. And move back to message box for lost connection message. the click OK to back to login menu or cancel to exit game, then load game data character.
and also Turn On/Open WiFi or Plug LAN Internet Connection then back to (Super Drowning Skills) hold your breath in 30s then if HP Damage for 10% and when HP is 0 will drown and resurrect location and back to equipment all and ready to gameplay to continue.