Effect Of Blood Pressure On Heart, Kidney And Brain

2015-11-26 13

Question: What could prevent 92,000 deaths and 66,000 strokes every year? What could keep up to 99,000 Americans from having a heart attack and up to 120,000 others from getting hear disease every year? And finally what could save $10 to $24 billion (yes with a "B") in health care costs every year? If you guessed cutting our present addiction to salt by 1200 milligrams a day, you would be correct.
A normal blood pressure for most adults is less than 120/80 millimeters of mercury. If blood pressure is at or above 140/90 millimeters of mercury, this is a serious health problem especially for people with diabetes or Nephrology (Kidney Disease). Only your doctor can recommend what treatment or medications are right for you.
Chronic kidney suffers are similar to people who suffer from other chronic diseases such as high blood pressure, heart disease and diabetes. The similarities lie in the fact that sufferers of these diseases need a healthy diet. In order feel your best when suffering from chronic kidney disease there might be need to change specific nutrients in your diet. You may get social help from a registered dietitian in planning your meals in order to get the correct amounts of nutrients. Sodium is an important consideration because it is associated with blood pressure elevation. You will need to ensure that you keep your blood pressure under control to avoid complications.
Cutting excess salt isn't the only way to lower blood pressure. Getting enough potassium helps, and Americans average far less than the 4700mg daily target. Eating a DASH diet (see our September newsletter which describes the DASH diet in detail) knocks down blood pressure as well. So does staying trim, daily exercising, and limiting alcohol to no more than 2 drinks a day for men and one per day for women. All of these things will help combat hypertension. But cutting salt is still the key!
To maintain a low protein diet, try to avoid cow's milk, peanuts, wheat, egg yolks, tree nuts, and