Socialist Smile (Buzeqeshja socialiste) - Pjesa e pare - Dokumentar - Vizion Plus

2015-11-25 2
Buzeqeshja Socialiste. Nje dokumentar nga Matilda Terpollari. Nje material interesant mbi fotografine e propogandes. Marredhenia e imazhit fotografik me individin dhe pushtetin do te jete ne qender te ketij dokumentari. Menyra se si propaganda e sistemit perfshiu imtesissht cdo detaj ne fotografite e kohes.Socialist smile. A documentary by Matilda Terpollari. An interesting paper on the propogandës picture. Its relationship with the individual photographic image and the power will be the focus of this documentary. The way propaganda system imtesissht included every detail in pictures of the time.

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