In Moscow Russian President Vladimir Putin slammed the Turkish government for being a supporter of ISIL terrorism, and of having imposed a programme of Islamisation on Turkey for years. He promised the consequences for the incident would be serious for Turkey.
Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov had his radar data and his case to make, denying any airspace violation.
“We have serious doubts that it was an unpremeditated act. It looks very much like a provocation. We have no intention to go to war with Turkey. Our attitude towards
the Turkish people hasn’t changed. We have questions about the actions of the current Turkish leadership,” he said.
In Istanbul President Recep Tayyip Erodgan was addressing business leaders and hitting the diplomatic soft pedal.
“Turkey does not support tensions, crisis or hostility. Turkey is always on the side of peace, diplomacy, and dialogue. We will continue to maintain this attitude,” he said.
One of Russia’s first acts after its first official los