Bobcat ambushes deer

2015-11-25 303

A crazy video has emerged from the US of a bobcat ambushing a deer and bringing it to the ground, right in front of a hunter's stand.

The footage, captured near to the Jackson-Washington Forest, Indiana last week, shows the moment the predator leaps out from its cover - a fallen tree branch - and tackles its prey, engaging in a frantic scramble on the forest floor.

The filmer - on a stag hunt - then decides to intervene, firing his gun into the ground and driving off the bobcat.

"I decided to hunt on this particular stand I have where the hardwoods and the cedar thicket meet. The wind was in my favour and the temperature was cold.

After waiting in my stand for a good hour I heard something to my left I look over and there is a bobcat laying on his belly on top of this fallen down tree facing back behind me.

The cat had his eyes locked on something - it was like a house cat looking at a string.

I looked back behind me and see a small button buck coming out of the cedars heading my way. As the deer gets closer and closer to my stand I could tell the bobcat was getting anxious.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and thought there is no way this is about to happen.

The deer gets in the middle of me and the fallen down tree.

The bobcat sneaks closer pouncing from the tree breaking off a dead limb from the force.

The bobcat took down the deer in no time, I had little time to make a decision - do I let this cat take away one of my future bucks or do I just watch the hellacious fight?

I knew that we aren't allowed to kill bobcats since there a protected species and I didn't want my future buck to die so I just shot into the ground, I figure my hunting is done anyway - the whole wood heard the attack so the bobcat and the deer made it another day.

After it was over I was proud of my decision that I made my only regret is holding the video steadier," the filmer wrote online.