'Muted' Black Friday Forecast for Retailers, With TVs, Toys Giving a Lift

2015-11-25 3

Sorry, Black Friday, you're just not that special anymore.
While the days surrounding Thanksgiving remain a big draw for holiday shoppers, early online promotions and a willingness to shop via smartphone over pumpkin pie have chipped away at what was for a few decade a single-day retail phenomenon.
"Our view is Black Friday is going to be kind of muted this holiday season," said Joseph Feldman, senior managing director at Telsey Advisory Group.
"Now it's almost like Black November these days.
The whole month is promotions," he said.
While half of the more than 1,000 consumers surveyed online by Nielsen say they plan to shop on Black Friday, that figure is down 2 percent from a year ago, while the number of people shopping on Cyber Monday has risen 5 percent, to 60 percent.
Thirty percent of people say they plan to shop on Thanksgiving.