ISIS brigade falls to pieces after meeting with Al Qaeda suicide bomber

2015-11-25 65

JAMLEH, SYRIA — Efforts by the Islamic State to gain a foothold in southern Syria appear to have been dealt a blow after an ISIS commander was killed in a suicide bombing by Al Qaeda's Al Nusra Front affiliate.

On Nov. 15 a top-level meeting of the Yarmouk Martyrs Brigade, an Al Qaeda militia operating in the Golan Heights, was rudely interrupted by an Al Nusra Front suicide attack. Up to 19 people were killed, including six of the brigade's top men. Among the dead was Muhammad "Abu Ali" al-Baridi, the head of the group who went by nickname "The Uncle."

"The Islamic State, that controls the closest area to the Israel border in the Syrian Golan Heights, suffered a severe blow and lost its entire top command in the area in one fell swoop," wrote Alex Fishman, a veteran military correspondent for Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot, in an article cited by Fox News.

Al Nusra Front quickly took to credit and bragged over Twitter about the "heroic" attack.


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