Iran and Russia to oppose attempts to dump Assad

2015-11-24 7

Russia and Iran will jointly oppose "external attempts" at regime change in Syria, a Kremlin official said Monday in Tehran after President Vladimir Putin met supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei .
The comments were a direct rebuff of repeated demands from the United States, France, Britain and Saudi Arabia that President Bashar Al-Assad should step down and play no future role in war-torn Syria.
Both countries are close allies of Assad, with Iran providing the Syrian leader with financial aid and military advisors against a range of opposing forces in a civil war that has that has killed more than 250,000 and displaced millions.
Near the start of the Syrian civil war, it was reported that former Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had personally sanctioned  the dispatch of officers from the Iranian Revolutionary Guards to Syria to fight alongside Assad's troops.

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