Vendimi i qeverisë për importin e mbetjeve - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 0

Nje vendim i miratuar ne mbledhjen e Keshillit te Ministrave i hapi rrugen importit per 600 ton mbetje urbane ne vit. Pas kerkeses se nje kompanie private, qeveria i ka dhene sot lejen asaj qe te filloje marrjen e lendes ricikluese nga shteti grek dhe sjelljen ne Shqiperi, me qellim perpunimin. Shqiperia ka ende nje debat te hapur mes shoqerise civile dhe organeve ekzekutive, lidhur me ligjin qe lejon importimin e ketyre lendeve. Pas kerkeses qe disa pjesetare te shoqerise civile bene per zhvillimin e nje referendumi, nese duhet lejuar apo jo futja ne vendin tone e mbetjeve urbane, presidenti Nishani ka dekretuar daten 22 dhjetor te ketij viti, si date ku shqiptaret do te vendosin pro ose kunder importit te ketyre lendeve.
A decision adopted at the meeting of the Council of Ministers gave way to import 600 tonnes of municipal waste per year. Upon request of a private company, the government has given her permission today to start receiving recyclable matter by the Greek state and behavior in Albania, in order processing. Albania is still an open debate between civil society and the executive, on the law that allows the importation of these substances. Upon request that some members of civil society made ??to develop a referendum whether to allow or not the introduction in our country's waste, the president has decreed Nishani date December 22 this year, as the date where Albanians will decide for or against import on these subjects.

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