Skënderbeu pësoi nje humbje te thelle ne takimin e pare te turit te trete te Uefa Champions League, duke humbur shpresat per kalim edhe te nje raundi. Ne Astana stadium korçaret u shpartalluan nga Shahter Karaganda me rezultatin 3-0, duke marre nje leksion te mire nga kampionet e Kazakistanit. Nje dominim total i skuadrës vendase gjate pjesës se pare, te cilet gjeten shpejt rrugën e rrjetës qe ne minutën e 8 te takimit me Xhidic. Gjate pjeses se dyte skuadra e Mirel Joses e rriti lojen ne kerkim te barazimit te shifrave ndersa ne te kundert kazaket kërkuan te gjenin te papërgatitur kundërshtarin me kundërsulme. Gjithsesi 11 minutat e fundit do te ishin fatale per korçaret. Ne minutën e 79 Myrtezajev dyfishoi shifrat duke e bere me te sigurt fitoren per te ashtuquajturit minatorët e Karagandes. Ne minutën e 90 Kiznichenko shfrytëzoi mjaft mire nje pasiguri ne mbrojtje te skuadrës shqiptare duke shënuar dhe golin e nokautit. Një humbje e rende per kampionet e Shqipërisë, te cilet vështirë te përmbysin shifrat 3-0 ne "Qemal Stafa" nje jave me pas, aty ku me te gjitha gjasat do te zyrtarizojne vazhdimin e aventurës evropiane te Skënderbeut ne turneun tjetër Uefa Europa League.
Skanderbeg suffered a drubbing at the first meeting of the third tour of the UEFA Champions League, losing hope for the passage of a round. We stadium Astana locals were defeated by the score 3-0 Shahter Karaganda, taking a good lesson from the champions of Kazakhstan. A total dominance of the local team during the first half, which quickly found that the network path in the 8th minute meeting with Dzidic. During the second half of Mirel team raised Joses game in search of reconciliation of figures while Kazakh otherwise sought to strike the unprepared opponent with counterattacks. However the last 11 minutes would be fatal for the locals. We doubled after 79 Myrtezajev figures with making sure victory for the miners called Karagandes. We took the 90 minute Kiznichenko good enough uncertainty in defense of Albanian team and goal scoring nokautit. A heavy loss for samples of Albania, who figures difficult to overturn the 3-0 "Kemal Stafa" one week later, where in all likelihood will continue to formalize the Skanderbeg European adventure in the UEFA Europa League next tournament.