Bekim Balaj, gol vendimtar - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 1

Largimi nga Çekia drejt Polonisë duket se i ka bere mjaft mire Bekim Balajt. Sulmuesi i kombëtares shqiptare ka shënuar edhe golin e dyte për skuadrën e tij te re Jagiellonia Bialistok ne vetëm dy jave te kampionatit polak. Jagiellonia arriti te fitonte ne fushën e vështirë te Slask Vroclav ndërsa Bekim Balaj arriti te fitonte edhe duelin personal me futbollistin tjetër shqiptar Sabino Plaku, qe luan ne kampin kundërshtar. Jagiellonia e mbylli pjesën e pare ne avantazh te dy golave fale rrjetave te Grzyb, ne minuten e 22 dhe Martin Barab ne minuten e 45. Bekim Balaj, i cili ishte futur ne fillim te pjesës se dyte ne vend te Gajosh, ne minuten e 53 e shenoi edhe golin e trete per Jagiellonia, duke e bere pothuajse te perfunduar kete ndeshje ne favor te tyre, ndersa rrjeta e tij do te rezultonte vendimtare ne mënyrën se si mori rrjedhe loja ne minutat e mbetura. Vendasit u duken se u futen ne loje me golat e Paiksao ne minutën e 72 dhe Dudu ne minuten e 81, gjithsesi skuadra e shkodranit arriti te administronte shifrat, duke dale me tre pike nga nje tjetër fushe e vështire si ajo e Vroclav. Ky ishte goli i dyte per sulmuesin shkodran, ndërsa per Jagiellonia fitorja e dyte qe kryeson kampionatin me 6 pike te plota se bashku me Legia Varsaven dhe Piast Glivice. Ndërkohë, Sabino Plaku luajti vetem nje pjese loje duke u zëvendësuar nga portugezi Paiksao.
Removal from the Czech Republic to Poland seems to have done quite well Bekim Balaj. Albanian national team striker has scored the second goal for his new team Jagiellonia Bialistok in just two weeks the Polish championship. Jagiellonia managed to win in the difficult field of Slask Wroclaw and Bekim Bala managed to win the personal duel with another Albanian footballer Sabino Elder, who plays in the opposing camp. Jagiellonia closed the first two goal advantage thanks to Grzyb networks, in minute 22 and Martin Barabbas in the 45th minute. Bekim Balaj, who was introduced at the beginning of the second half in place of Gajosh, after scoring 53 the third goal for Jagiellonia, making this game almost ended in their favor, while his nets will prove decisive in the way they took the game flow in the remaining minutes. Natives seem that entered the game with goals in 72 minutes Paiksao and Dudu in the 81 minute, however, the team failed to administer Shkodran figures, coming out with another three points from a difficult area as it Wroclaw. This was the second goal for striker Shkodra, while the second victory for Jagiellonia that leads the championship with 6 full point together with Legia Varsaven and Piast Glivice. Meanwhile, Elder Sabino game played only part being replaced by the Portuguese Paiksao.