Policia greke në ndjekje të Ilir Kupës - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 8


Operacioni i policise greke per kapjen e shqiptarit tjeter te arratisur, Ilir Kupa, vijon ne zonen prane kufirit me Shqipërinë. Sipas mediave helene, aksioni i efektiveve eshte shtrire ne prefekturen e Janinës, ne nje zone te thyer dhe me bimësi te dendur. Sipas autoriteteve, kupa është i armatosur me një kallashnikov, pistoletë dhe me granata. Per kete arsye, policia po tregohet e kujdesshme ne aksionin per zbulimin dhe kapjen e tij. Nga shkëmbimi i informacioneve te policisë greke me homologët në Shqipëri, mësohet se i arratisuri nuk ka hyrë në territorin shqiptar. 27-vjeçari arriti t'u shpëtojë forcave greke pak dite me pare, ne perplasjen ku u vra shoku i tij, Marian Kola. Autoritetet helene, ne nje reagim te fundit, e kane justifikuar vrasjen e Koles dhe te dy te arratisurve te tjere me heret, me faktin se ata kane qene te paret qe kane qelluar me arme zjarri. Kater shqiptare vijojne te jene te lire, pas arratisjes nga burgu i Trikalas, ne fund te muajit mars. Deri me tani, tre prej 11 shqiptareve te arratisur jane vrare, ndersa kater jane arrestuar.

Greek police operation to capture the fugitive other Albanian Ilir Cup, following in the area near the border with Albania. According to media Hellenistic, effective action has been extended in the prefecture of Ioannina, in a rugged area with dense vegetation. According to authorities, the cup is armed with a Kalashnikov, a pistol and grenades. For this reason, careful police are shown in action for his discovery and capture. By sharing information with counterparts to Greek police in Albania, learned that the fugitive has not entered into Albanian territory. 27-year-old Greek forces managed to save a few days ago, in the crash that killed his friend, Marian Kola. Hellenic authorities, in a recent response, have justified killing Cola and two other fugitives earlier, the fact that they were the first to have shot with a firearm. Four Albanians continue to be free, after escape from prison Trikalas, at the end of March. So far, three of the 11 escapees were killed Albanians, while four were arrested.