St.Clair Ahead Sea Conference Planetary World Cycles (4 Sep. 2015)

2015-11-23 224

St.Clair and friends gathered for a relaxed informal discussion on Planetary World Cycles looking ahead astrologically to 2020/2021 with the Saturn Jupiter Pluto alignment. St.Clair briefly suggests the approaching agreement towards a Planetary Federation of Nations - leaving behind out-of-date secular National systems established by the Roman Empire in an attempt at centralized control of the Planet.

Unfortunately the strong back-light compromised the filming quality .. but ads an interesting almost surreal atmosphere to the video presentation and to the topics being discussed at this meeting.

St.Clair has been studying talking and writing about long term Planetary Cycles and alignments for many years .. because it is important that humans become aware of future influences and gain the internal ability to respond to these cycles in intelligent ways rather than be tossed around with no idea what energies we are dealing with.

During the meeting the issue of varying degrees of influence were discussed that can range from negative self-indulgent and self-delusional all the way to highly positive creative and beneficial influences depending on people's state of mind. St.Clair teaches that these influences are not outside of our control and depend on self-education and discipline as we choose how we live.

Planetary cycles influence humans related to the inner state of mind and the internal choices made by humans. Planetary Cycles are the Operating Software and human influence is how we choose to make use of these Cosmic Internet Energies. Understanding these cycles helps humans to make the right choices = self-alignment.

St.Clair and his team hold conference meetings each year and also private meetings on demand from his clients. He discusses his many sources and gives concrete real time advice on practical issues, gold, economy, solutions in self-sustaining life styles, held in relaxed beautiful settings.

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St.Clair Ahead:
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