Skënderbeu, kualifikim historik - Vizion Plus - News, Lajme

2015-11-23 2

Skënderbeu arriti nje kualifikim historik, duke kaluar ne turin e trete te Uefa Champions League. Ne stadiumin e Korçes, kampioneve te Shqipërisë iu deshen 120 minuta per te mundur azeret e Nefchi Bakuse me rezultatin 1-0. Gjate 90 minutave te takimit te dy skuadrat patën disa raste, por pa arritur t'i finalizonin ato. Dalja me te kuqe ne minutat e fundit e Igor Mitreskit per Nefchi e lehtësoi edhe me shume punën e skuadrës se Mirel Joses, e cila duhet theksuar guxoi deri ne fund për fitoren. Te dy skuadrat ju drejtuan 30 minutave te shtesës dhe atëherë kur pritej qe gjithçka te zgjidhej me penallti ne minutën e 116 Orelesi i dhuroi fitoren skuadrës se tij. "Shpërdoruam shume raste ne këtë ndeshje, por ajo qe dua te theksoj është gjyqtari i takimit, i cili beri shume gabime. Une nuk kam pare kurrë nje gjykim te tille, mendoj se ai e favorizoi skuadrën shqiptare. Kur te kthehem ne Baku do t'i paraqes dorëheqjen presidentit te klubit. Pas tre vjetësh ne krye te këtij ekipi, ndjehem i lodhur", tha trajneri i Nefchi Baku, Hajiyev. Ne raundin e trete Skënderbeu do te përballet me kazaket e Shaktar Karagandi, te cilet nga ana e tyre eliminuan bjelloruset e Bate Borisov. Takimi i pare do te luhet ne Kazakistan ne datat 30-31 korrik, ndërsa ndeshja e kthimit një jave me pas.

Skanderbeg reached a historic qualification, passing the third round of the UEFA Champions League. We stadium Korca, Albania samples it took 120 minutes to defeat the Nefchi Baku Azerbaijan 1-0. During the 90 minutes the two teams were meeting some cases, but not managed to finalize them. Exit the red in the last minutes of Igor Mitreski for Nefchi facilitated the work of the team more than Mirel Joses, which should be noted finally dared to victory. Both teams headed to 30 minutes to add and when you expect to solve everything with 116 penalty minutes in Orelesi gave his team victory. "Shpërdoruam many cases in this match, but what I want to emphasize is the judge of the meeting, which made ??many mistakes. I have not ever seen such a trial, I think he favored the Albanian team. When back in Baku will submit my resignation to club president. After three years at the head of this team, I feel tired, "said coach Nefchi Baku, Hajiyev. We Skanderbeg third round will face Shaktar Kazakh Karagandi, which in turn eliminated BATE Borisov of Belarus. The first meeting will be played in Kazakhstan on 30-31 July and the return match a week later.